Friday, April 19, 2013


As I walk through Uglyville, the buildings amaze me and seeing this, I couldn't imagine how New Pretty Town looks. The Dorms look like giant hotel rooms with bright colorful lights surrounding. The smell of pine and oak as I stroll, is engulfing. The sky looks like sweet, cotton candy. I can feel the soft breeze around me. I start to wonder, "Is this all too perfect? The breeze seems too wonderful. The temperature of the air is so calming..."

Once i've moved onto Tally's old dorm room, I notice the glistening wallscreen and the bright lights surrounding her bed.  Everything still seems so... perfect. The window looking out onto New Pretty Town is like a photograph. You can almost taste the briskness of the night. Everything is so beautiful here...but compared to New Pretty Town, all the Uglies think this is so dull and boring. Somehow I wonder how this place ever began to fall...
:) (used my imagination on that last sentance.) :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Dystopia Definition: An imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a cruel or environmentally degraded one.

I think Uglies is a dystopian novel because it has a set of "rulers" that control everyone and everything. They do so by altering their brains to make them easier to control, basically. I think that makes an envoirnment unpleasant if you're forced to believe and think and act a certain way. & eventually, if they knew better, it would get old and boring. Unfortunately, everyone in New Pretty Town and Uglyville are unaware of these brain alterations. Also, this novel is considered futuristic. So, it's being imagined that the walls can talk and the bridges will tattle on you. That's why I consider Uglies to be a dystopian novel.

Utopia Definition: An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.

My utopia would be gorgeous waters and sunset skies. A perfect temperature at all times. Perfect weather and no crime or illness. It would literally be, a perfect world. I can't imagine waking up every day and traveling by boat, looking at the pink and purple mixed with amber, skies. Or waking up every morning to crystal blue dolphins dancing in the water. Everyone would love and respect one another. No person would ever go hungry or die of thirst. Since everyone lived in such a beautiful place, everyone would be so relaxed and calm. No one would ever take anything for granted and everyone lived peacefully forever. :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Interior Design

"When Tally reached her old room, she saw that everything had been recycled. Clothes, bedding, furniture, the pictures on the wallscreen - it had all been reverted back to Generic Ugly. It even looked as if somebody else had been briefly moved in, then out again, leaving a strange drink can in the fridge." (p.111)
In Tally's room, I put a mirror as a blank wallscreen and put a T for tally on the wall. I also put lots of pictures on the walls. Flowers and such. I put picture frames with no pictures on the wall. I put flowers on her bedside table. I put three designer pillows on her bed. Two chairs. One of the chairs is heart-shaped and very modern. I put a dresser with no clothes in it. A hope chest with nothing in it. I put a refrigerator in there as well. A modern-looking clock on the wall and a floor lamp for lighting. Also I added a book holder to the shelf on the wall.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


I chose the scene where Tally snuck over to New Pretty Town and escaped Garbo Mansion. In New Pretty Town, they party all day and night and that night everyone was wearing masks and she grabbed a pig mask that had fallen and put it on so that no one would know she was an ugly. Garbo Mansion was one of the mansion's the brand new pretties lived. They had fireworks everynight and parties every day. Tally just wanted to sneak over and see her best friend Peris as a new pretty. But Peris wasn't excited to see Tally. He was angry that she snuck over and told her to go home and promise not to return until she was pretty. I think this introduced who the Pretties turned into after they were turned and how irrelevant they consider the Uglies after they've turned pretty. After Tally left Garbo Mansion, Tally met Shay. So this is also a great scene to showcase another main character and after she meets Shay, the story really takes off.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Relate to Another Story

I chose the movie Wall-e because I think some characteristics of this movie relate to Uglies. Wall-e is a futuristic movie and is based on someone's prediction of how our world will be. Basically, so much pollution has consumed their "fresh air" and all vegetation has disappeared, much like the Pretties and orchids did in the Uglies. So everyone in the world is evacuated into space and are overweight because their only job is to sit around, eat, and be lazy. Robots are created to do all work and their job is to serve and protect the people. Much like the Pretties are created to only have fun, and uglies are programmed to think they are supposed to protect the pretties. Once plant life is discovered, everyone starts going crazy and is doing everything they can in order to get back to earth and live the life they used to. But there's one person who tries to hide it and keep the other world looking dangerous to the people. This also relates to Uglies because Special Circumstances tries to hide The Smoke from everyone else and doesn't want people leaving New Pretty Town and Uglyville in order to go to there. This movie has many similarities to the book Uglies.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Topic: Shay

Breaking the code

Code Directory:

A. ~
B. !
C. @
D. #
E. $
F. %
G. ^
H. &
I. *
J. (
k. )
L. +
M. =
N. "
O. ?
P. >
Q. <
R. }
S. [
T. ,
U. |
V. \
W. ;
X. '
Y. /
Z. _

@?=$ %*"# =$ ,~++/ *= *" ,}?|!+$

Friday, February 8, 2013

Text it!


Dear Ellie and Sol,
       I have made my decision to help Dr. Cable. I'm doing this because I have wanted to be pretty my whole life and Peris means more to me than Shay does. Shay did leave me after all...if she really cared about me, she would've stayed here with me and we both could've turned pretty together. I hope you understand my decison, and i'm sure you do because you thought all Shay was, was trouble. I'll be back to see you soon...

                                                                                                    With love,
                                                                                                    Tally Youngblood

Song to a story connection

I chose the song "Titanium" by David Guetta. I chose this song for Shay. I chose this song for her because she runs away despite the fact that she would never become pretty and she could get in so much trouble. She thinks that no matter what happens, she'd rather take the risk of leaving and never coming back rather than being someone who's fake and carved and not herself. She loves herself as she is already and doesn't want to change. In the song it says, "You shoot me down, but I won't fall, I am titanium." I think this describes Shay so much because she leaves Uglyville to go to The Smoke not even being completely sure of it, just for a chance of happiness. She thinks no matter what, I have nothing to lose if I leave because I want to be ugly forever. I chose this song because it represents strength and drive from Shay. This would be what I would play during a movie while she was leaving. :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Special Circumstances

"They were all dressed in formals, raw silks in black and gray, and their faces had the same cold, hawkish look. Both the men and women were taller than pretty standard, and more powerfully built, their eyes as pale as an ugly's. There were few normal people as well, but they faded into insignificance next to the predatory forms moving gracefully through the halls."

Special circumstances are classified as middle pretties. But the odd thing is, they don't look like ordinary pretties. They are actually taller and more stern looking than an ordinary pretty. It's kind of funny because they say that all the pretties resemble each other in a certain way. So, this makes the Special circumstances people stand out. Not all pretties know this though, because these special pretties aren't seen by very many ordinary pretties. Special circumstance pretties are cold and mean and don't have much respect for others. They almost make me think of CIA people and how they are so secretive.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Quote #2

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

1. What do you believe this means?
I believe this means that what is beautiful, is what you percieve it to be.
2. How does it apply to the Twilight Zone episode?
The woman that was told and believed she was ugly, was actually beautiful. But the nurses and doctor considered her to be ugly because they all looked the same and she looked different.
3. How does it apply to the book?
It applies to the book because almost everyone is considered to be "ugly" until they turn 16 and undergo plastic surgery.
4. How does it apply to your life?
This applies to my life because so many people judge others' appearence based on what they think beautiful is. & A lot of people my age think that if you don't look the way they think you should look, you are ugly, which is wrong.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Interface: A point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc., meet and interact.
               Synonyms: come together
               Antonyms: separate
               Sentance: The couple interfaced at the same restaurant.

expedition: journey
                 synonyms: adventure
                 antonyms: motionless
                 sentance: We went on an expedition to find our dog.

Frantic: distressed, distracted
synonyms: agitated
antonyms: calm
sentance: Ms. Frizzy was franticly looking for her notebook but kept forgetting what she was looking for.

cacophony: dissonance
synonyms: harshness
antonyms: peacefulness
sentance: The building was cacophony compared to the church next door.

impervious: unable to be penitrated
synonyms: immune
antonyms: unimmune
sentance: She was impervious to the harsh comments made by the crowd.

looming: rising
synonyms: appearing, approaching
antonyms: disappearing, leaving
sentance: The sun was looming at 6 o' clock this morning.

bemusement: absent-mindedness
synonyms: abstraction, dreamyness
antonyms: realistic
sentance: She stood there, staring at the sky in bemusement.

vulnerable: open to attack
synonyms: defenseless
antonyms: emotionless
sentance: She sat there vulnerable, crying, weak.

dubious: doubtful
synonyms: arguable
antonyms: in agreement
sentance: I am a very dubious person. I am very quick to argue.

exotic: mysterious
synonyms: unusual
antonyms: common
sentance: The island was very exotic and beautiful.


My Best Feature

My best feature is my legs. I think my legs are the best part of myself because they are very muscular and it makes it easy for me to tumble. I got my strong legs from cheerleading and tumbling so young. If I didn't have my strong legs I wouldn't be able to tumble as well as I do and tumbling is a huge part of my life. It's impacted my life a lot, believe it or not. It's given me fear but also confidence, it's given me strength and weakness, it's given me so many different things to help shape who I am and that is why I think it is my best feature.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Best Friend

I couldn't just write about one best friend because I have so many that I adore & couldn't bare to lose. One is my best friend Jessica. We have been through so much together and I honestly can't imagine wear I'd be without her. We became friends through mutual friends in the eighth grade. The reason I consider her such a good friend is because she's always told me the truth about everything. No matter how bad it hurt or how I'd handle it, she was always honest. I would do absolutely anything for her. But I don't know if we will always be friends. We have very different personalities and very different beliefs and dreams.

My nephews and sister are also my very best friends. My sister is 9 years older than me and over the past few years we have grown together as one person. & at times, I was her only friend. I was the only person who could understand where she was coming from or why she was upset. I would give my life away for her and those boys. Those boys are my best friends because no matter how little they are, they see the world as a better place than what it really is. They don't see the negativity or the trouble or the hatred this world brings and that helps me see the good in situations. They are always there to hug and kiss me when I cry. & even if they have no idea why their "Sissy" is sad, they make me feel so much better and give the best advice. :) They are two incredibly special boys & I couldn't imagine my life without them.

Storm Shoemaker has been in my life since eighth grade. He was my first love. & who knows if it's naive or if it's immature to believe I experienced love so young. Especially since we had so many problems so early into the relationship. But, he has been there for me through every obstacle of my life. Every wrong turn, every mistake, every happy moment, every accomplishment, and I don't know how I would've gone through those things without him. Regardless of if we are together or apart, we have grown together and made each other better people. & because of that, I am eternally grateful. He has taught me so much. We will be friends forever and I truly believe that.

Quote #1

"Is it not good to make society full of beautiful people?"

Who gets a say on WHO is beautiful? Who gets to determine what beauty is? If everyone has their own view on beauty and what is classified as "beautiful," then its completely fine to have a society full of "beautiful people". But if beauty is considered perfect skin, hair, looks, clothing, etc; then no one would be in competiton with eachother, because they would all be so beautiful and wrapped up in their on beauty, they wouldn't have time to be jealous of other beautiful people. Or would they? Would they always want to be prettier than what they are if they know they can change it so easily? But if no one was beautiful, there would be no thrive, no competition, no motivation, nothing to accomplish or succeed in. Unless, no beauty eliminated all jealousy, all fighting, and all drama. So who REALLY knows?