Thursday, February 7, 2013

Special Circumstances

"They were all dressed in formals, raw silks in black and gray, and their faces had the same cold, hawkish look. Both the men and women were taller than pretty standard, and more powerfully built, their eyes as pale as an ugly's. There were few normal people as well, but they faded into insignificance next to the predatory forms moving gracefully through the halls."

Special circumstances are classified as middle pretties. But the odd thing is, they don't look like ordinary pretties. They are actually taller and more stern looking than an ordinary pretty. It's kind of funny because they say that all the pretties resemble each other in a certain way. So, this makes the Special circumstances people stand out. Not all pretties know this though, because these special pretties aren't seen by very many ordinary pretties. Special circumstance pretties are cold and mean and don't have much respect for others. They almost make me think of CIA people and how they are so secretive.

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