Thursday, February 28, 2013


I chose the scene where Tally snuck over to New Pretty Town and escaped Garbo Mansion. In New Pretty Town, they party all day and night and that night everyone was wearing masks and she grabbed a pig mask that had fallen and put it on so that no one would know she was an ugly. Garbo Mansion was one of the mansion's the brand new pretties lived. They had fireworks everynight and parties every day. Tally just wanted to sneak over and see her best friend Peris as a new pretty. But Peris wasn't excited to see Tally. He was angry that she snuck over and told her to go home and promise not to return until she was pretty. I think this introduced who the Pretties turned into after they were turned and how irrelevant they consider the Uglies after they've turned pretty. After Tally left Garbo Mansion, Tally met Shay. So this is also a great scene to showcase another main character and after she meets Shay, the story really takes off.

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