Thursday, January 10, 2013

Interface: A point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc., meet and interact.
               Synonyms: come together
               Antonyms: separate
               Sentance: The couple interfaced at the same restaurant.

expedition: journey
                 synonyms: adventure
                 antonyms: motionless
                 sentance: We went on an expedition to find our dog.

Frantic: distressed, distracted
synonyms: agitated
antonyms: calm
sentance: Ms. Frizzy was franticly looking for her notebook but kept forgetting what she was looking for.

cacophony: dissonance
synonyms: harshness
antonyms: peacefulness
sentance: The building was cacophony compared to the church next door.

impervious: unable to be penitrated
synonyms: immune
antonyms: unimmune
sentance: She was impervious to the harsh comments made by the crowd.

looming: rising
synonyms: appearing, approaching
antonyms: disappearing, leaving
sentance: The sun was looming at 6 o' clock this morning.

bemusement: absent-mindedness
synonyms: abstraction, dreamyness
antonyms: realistic
sentance: She stood there, staring at the sky in bemusement.

vulnerable: open to attack
synonyms: defenseless
antonyms: emotionless
sentance: She sat there vulnerable, crying, weak.

dubious: doubtful
synonyms: arguable
antonyms: in agreement
sentance: I am a very dubious person. I am very quick to argue.

exotic: mysterious
synonyms: unusual
antonyms: common
sentance: The island was very exotic and beautiful.


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