Monday, January 28, 2013

Quote #2

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

1. What do you believe this means?
I believe this means that what is beautiful, is what you percieve it to be.
2. How does it apply to the Twilight Zone episode?
The woman that was told and believed she was ugly, was actually beautiful. But the nurses and doctor considered her to be ugly because they all looked the same and she looked different.
3. How does it apply to the book?
It applies to the book because almost everyone is considered to be "ugly" until they turn 16 and undergo plastic surgery.
4. How does it apply to your life?
This applies to my life because so many people judge others' appearence based on what they think beautiful is. & A lot of people my age think that if you don't look the way they think you should look, you are ugly, which is wrong.

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