Friday, February 8, 2013

Song to a story connection

I chose the song "Titanium" by David Guetta. I chose this song for Shay. I chose this song for her because she runs away despite the fact that she would never become pretty and she could get in so much trouble. She thinks that no matter what happens, she'd rather take the risk of leaving and never coming back rather than being someone who's fake and carved and not herself. She loves herself as she is already and doesn't want to change. In the song it says, "You shoot me down, but I won't fall, I am titanium." I think this describes Shay so much because she leaves Uglyville to go to The Smoke not even being completely sure of it, just for a chance of happiness. She thinks no matter what, I have nothing to lose if I leave because I want to be ugly forever. I chose this song because it represents strength and drive from Shay. This would be what I would play during a movie while she was leaving. :)

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