Thursday, February 28, 2013


I chose the scene where Tally snuck over to New Pretty Town and escaped Garbo Mansion. In New Pretty Town, they party all day and night and that night everyone was wearing masks and she grabbed a pig mask that had fallen and put it on so that no one would know she was an ugly. Garbo Mansion was one of the mansion's the brand new pretties lived. They had fireworks everynight and parties every day. Tally just wanted to sneak over and see her best friend Peris as a new pretty. But Peris wasn't excited to see Tally. He was angry that she snuck over and told her to go home and promise not to return until she was pretty. I think this introduced who the Pretties turned into after they were turned and how irrelevant they consider the Uglies after they've turned pretty. After Tally left Garbo Mansion, Tally met Shay. So this is also a great scene to showcase another main character and after she meets Shay, the story really takes off.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Relate to Another Story

I chose the movie Wall-e because I think some characteristics of this movie relate to Uglies. Wall-e is a futuristic movie and is based on someone's prediction of how our world will be. Basically, so much pollution has consumed their "fresh air" and all vegetation has disappeared, much like the Pretties and orchids did in the Uglies. So everyone in the world is evacuated into space and are overweight because their only job is to sit around, eat, and be lazy. Robots are created to do all work and their job is to serve and protect the people. Much like the Pretties are created to only have fun, and uglies are programmed to think they are supposed to protect the pretties. Once plant life is discovered, everyone starts going crazy and is doing everything they can in order to get back to earth and live the life they used to. But there's one person who tries to hide it and keep the other world looking dangerous to the people. This also relates to Uglies because Special Circumstances tries to hide The Smoke from everyone else and doesn't want people leaving New Pretty Town and Uglyville in order to go to there. This movie has many similarities to the book Uglies.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Topic: Shay

Breaking the code

Code Directory:

A. ~
B. !
C. @
D. #
E. $
F. %
G. ^
H. &
I. *
J. (
k. )
L. +
M. =
N. "
O. ?
P. >
Q. <
R. }
S. [
T. ,
U. |
V. \
W. ;
X. '
Y. /
Z. _

@?=$ %*"# =$ ,~++/ *= *" ,}?|!+$

Friday, February 8, 2013

Text it!


Dear Ellie and Sol,
       I have made my decision to help Dr. Cable. I'm doing this because I have wanted to be pretty my whole life and Peris means more to me than Shay does. Shay did leave me after all...if she really cared about me, she would've stayed here with me and we both could've turned pretty together. I hope you understand my decison, and i'm sure you do because you thought all Shay was, was trouble. I'll be back to see you soon...

                                                                                                    With love,
                                                                                                    Tally Youngblood

Song to a story connection

I chose the song "Titanium" by David Guetta. I chose this song for Shay. I chose this song for her because she runs away despite the fact that she would never become pretty and she could get in so much trouble. She thinks that no matter what happens, she'd rather take the risk of leaving and never coming back rather than being someone who's fake and carved and not herself. She loves herself as she is already and doesn't want to change. In the song it says, "You shoot me down, but I won't fall, I am titanium." I think this describes Shay so much because she leaves Uglyville to go to The Smoke not even being completely sure of it, just for a chance of happiness. She thinks no matter what, I have nothing to lose if I leave because I want to be ugly forever. I chose this song because it represents strength and drive from Shay. This would be what I would play during a movie while she was leaving. :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Special Circumstances

"They were all dressed in formals, raw silks in black and gray, and their faces had the same cold, hawkish look. Both the men and women were taller than pretty standard, and more powerfully built, their eyes as pale as an ugly's. There were few normal people as well, but they faded into insignificance next to the predatory forms moving gracefully through the halls."

Special circumstances are classified as middle pretties. But the odd thing is, they don't look like ordinary pretties. They are actually taller and more stern looking than an ordinary pretty. It's kind of funny because they say that all the pretties resemble each other in a certain way. So, this makes the Special circumstances people stand out. Not all pretties know this though, because these special pretties aren't seen by very many ordinary pretties. Special circumstance pretties are cold and mean and don't have much respect for others. They almost make me think of CIA people and how they are so secretive.