Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Interior Design

"When Tally reached her old room, she saw that everything had been recycled. Clothes, bedding, furniture, the pictures on the wallscreen - it had all been reverted back to Generic Ugly. It even looked as if somebody else had been briefly moved in, then out again, leaving a strange drink can in the fridge." (p.111)
In Tally's room, I put a mirror as a blank wallscreen and put a T for tally on the wall. I also put lots of pictures on the walls. Flowers and such. I put picture frames with no pictures on the wall. I put flowers on her bedside table. I put three designer pillows on her bed. Two chairs. One of the chairs is heart-shaped and very modern. I put a dresser with no clothes in it. A hope chest with nothing in it. I put a refrigerator in there as well. A modern-looking clock on the wall and a floor lamp for lighting. Also I added a book holder to the shelf on the wall.